apartment gardening for organic lifestyle
Organic Lifestyle

Apartment Gardening for Organic Lifestyle: Easy Plants to Grow

You may not have a yard, or your landlord may not allow outdoor plants in the common area. That doesn’t mean you can’t grow something green and lush. You just need to find the right kind of plant that thrives in limited space such as potted plants for a container garden. A small home doesn’t mean you can’t grow plants and enjoy the benefits of having them around. You can start your very own apartment garden today with some easy plants to grow!

Indoor plant growing for an apartment garden is a great method to bring nature within if you have limited room and no access to outside flora. The apartment garden may be a beautiful and productive environment, and there are many plants that are suitable for growing in containers. These tips are perfect for indoor gardener who wants to minimize their upkeep.

Good indoor plants for small spaces

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While we can’t guarantee that the plants below are easy to grow plants for an apartment garden, they are all low maintenance and easy to keep alive even for the most inexperienced indoor gardeners.

  • If you are wondering what plants grow well in low light, many houseplants are great for growing indoors. You just need to make sure to provide the right amount of light for your specific plant.
  • Many of the plants that love low light also love being watered infrequently. If you have trouble keeping plants alive because you forget to water them, these are good options. With the right care, some of these plants can last for years in your apartment garden!
  • Other indoor plants don’t mind a bit of light and will even grow better in a little sun. If you have a window in your home, try setting your plants near the window. Just remember to keep them out of the direct sunlight so they don’t burn.
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The key is choosing plants that are shade-loving plants and are perfect for container gardening.

Shrimp and bean sprouts

Shrimp and bean sprouts are fairly easy to grow indoors. To start growing your own shrimp, you will need to buy shrimp that is meant for sprouting. They are usually sold in a small bag or container and are usually less than a dollar. Soybeans are another great option for sprouting at home. They can be grown using the same container or bag method as the shrimp. You want to make sure that you rinse the beans every day so that they don’t get too smelly. Once sprouted, these plants can be eaten in salads or as a side dish. They are also packed with nutrients, so growing your own is a great way to get some healthy additions to your diet! It’s also one of the best ways to adopt an organic lifestyle on a budget.

Edible plants

Edible plants are a great way to add a little more interest to your home. They are also wonderful for the indoor gardener who doesn’t have much room, especially if you like the idea of adding some designer plants to your home. These plants can be planted on your balcony, patio, or even in your garden shed. Plants that grow into edible flowers are great for the gardener looking for a change of scenery. These plants should be grown in pots that are at least four inches high and will only need water once a week.


If you want to bring some greenery into your house but don’t want to spend a lot of time caring for it, ferns are a terrific alternative. You may forget about them for a few months and only remember to water them just before they die, since they only need to be watered every couple of months. They are available in a wide variety of styles and colors, so you may select one that complements your home’s existing furnishings. If you want something a bit brighter, try looking for a variegated variety. You can also choose based on the scent. Some have a very mild fragrance, while others have a stronger scent that is meant to help you relax.

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Snake plant

Also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plants are one of the easiest plants to grow indoors. They don’t need any special care, don’t need to be watered regularly, and thrive in low light. You can keep them in pretty much any light condition, from near darkness to bright sunlight, and they will still thrive. Most snake plants can grow up to two feet high, so keep that in mind if your apartment is on the smaller side. They can also get wide, so you might want to put them in a bigger pot if they are taking over their current one.


If you like the look of cacti, but you don’t want to water them, cacti are a great option for apartment gardening. Most cacti don’t need any water, and they store water in their body, so they are perfect for indoor gardening when you have unpredictable rainfalls. Cacti do best in full sun, so you will need to be careful with placement if you have low light in your home. Try putting them on a table near a window. If you want to put them on the floor, make sure you put them on a tray or something to prevent them from getting too hot.

Spider plant

Spider plants are perfect for the indoor gardener who doesn’t have a lot of room or time. They can grow up to twelve inches high, but they don’t need a big pot. They thrive in small pots, so you can put them just about anywhere. They are also one of the easiest plants to propagate. Once you have a spider plant, you can take offshoots to make new plants. These offshoots can then be put in a new pot or added to your existing spider plant pot to make it grow even larger.

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Flowering plants

Flowering plants are another perfect way to add some color and interest to your home. They are great for the indoor gardener who is looking for a change of scenery and wants to add some color. These plants can be planted in pots that are at least four inches high and will only need water once a week.

When you have too many plants, you can always make them grow into the ground, but that isn’t always a good idea. If you have too many plants growing on your balcony or in your garden shed, they will eventually die off and become a pest problem. You can also plant them in little pots along the edge of your balcony or under the windowsill. You can then use these pots as a place for pets to sit while they wait for their food to arrive!

Start your apartment garden now!

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If you don’t have a lot of gardening space, don’t worry! There are plenty of easy plants to grow for apartment gardening that will thrive in a small indoor space. Choose plants that don’t need a lot of light, don’t need to be watered often, or can be watered from a tray to prevent you from having to walk around your apartment with a watering can. And if you want to grow herbs for cooking, hanging baskets are a great way to add some greenery to your indoor space while being easy to maintain. Everyone has a green thumb and with little motivation and the right indoor gardening plants, you can have your own garden in your small space.



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